Brad Paisley Gifts Guitar To A Musician Who's Lost Everything In Explosion

No matter how many days after it happened, I absolutely cannot believe the videos and pictures from the Christmas morning explosion in Nashville. I am still so thankful that nobody was killed as a result of this heinous act.

We are learning more about the stories of some of the people that were directly affected by this situation. One of them is Buck McCoy, who is a country artist and entertainer that many people know from his appearances at Legends Corner and Redneck Riviera in Nashville. He shared videos that he took right after the blast struck early on Christmas morning and they are horrifying.

Like many others, Buck has been unable to go back in to his destroyed apartment, but the truth is there isn't much to go back to. A lot of his things were ultimately lost, including his cat and guitar. I'm happy to share that his cat Molly was found and returned to him unharmed - which is GREAT news. And now he has a brand new guitar to entertain with as well, thanks to some help from country music superstar Brad Paisley.

Brad also took the time to share the GoFundMe link to support Buck as he picks up the pieces after having his place destroyed.

Buck was obviously very appreciative of Brad's help, and he will be putting that new guitar to use soon enough! You can check out more from Buck including where you can see him when the world starts to open back up again at

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