Pittsburgh St. Pattys Day Parade Now Scheduled For September

I've been hot and cold on St. Patrick's Day in my lifetime - some years I have been allllll about it, and others I can take a pass on it. Maybe it's the weather that did it to me - every year I have driven in the St. Patrick's Day parade for the station it has been like 10 degrees or raining. That takes a lot out of ya whenever the route takes forever to run through.

But the idea of a St. Patty's parade on a warm summer day?? I can totally get behind it. After 16+ months of bars and restaurants and other venues struggling, we should be doing everything we can to amp up the events that draw people out. There's no doubt in my mind that people will call it lame - but let them! They can stay home while everyone else gets after it!

NEW DATE: Saturday, September 18 at 10 a.m. in Downtown Pittsburgh.

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