Netflix Is Releasing A Documentary About The Dark Side Of Bob Ross' Fame

From TheDailyBeast
Bob Ross: Happy Accidents, Betrayal & Greedsounds like the title of a true-crime parody, promising a dark and gritty take on the life of one of America’s cheeriest—and most beloved—artistic figures. Nonetheless, there’s nothing jokey about Joshua Rofé’s Netflix documentary (Aug. 25), which serves as both a loving portrait of the landscape painter who inspired millions to pick up a brush, and a disheartening exposé of the various ways in which his work, and legacy, were exploited by the selfish partners closest to him.
Bob Ross: Happy Accidents, Betrayal & Greed is thus a tale of a warm-hearted soul who seems to have been taken advantage of, in life and death, by those who valued him solely as a vehicle for making money.

Sheesh. At first I thought this was about to be this big deep dive into some secret deviant activity that Bob Ross was involved in. In a world where we just wait to bash/tear down/cancel our heroes over any personal choice they make, it would only be fitting if we did the same to the guy that relaxed us and made us fall asleep while he painted. Thankfully it looks like that isn't the case here. Instead it takes a deep dive into the activity of some shady business partners that ended up driving Bob's family and loved ones off the reservation. You can see the listing for it on Netflix HERE.

According to some early reviews, it might not be so revealing after all. The Hollywood Reporter seems to think that there isn't much revealed throughout. The Los Angeles Times remarked that it is ultimately a cooled celebration, one eager to acknowledge that gurus are complicated, showbiz is treacherous, and some landscapes hide things. With all that said, I will probably check it out simply because I was so enamored with the show then and now.

Let's calm down with an episode while we wait to watch this bloodbath on the business behind Bob Ross.

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