Going on a Walk Every Day Could Be All You Need To Stay In Shape

Can walking daily be enough to keep you in shape? Yep!  According to the NHS, adults should be doing “at least 150 minutes of moderate intensity activity a week”. Walking at a brisk pace counts towards this weekly goal and it can help improve your heart health!

2022 study found that daily walks, at least 8k steps a day at any pace, could reduce the risk of premature death. Another 2022 study showed that a total of three 15-minute walks a day could significantly improve memory.

Dr Sarah Davies, says walking can help you “improve your breathing, lower your heart rate, feel happier, become more connected to your environment, and experience less pain if you struggle with pain-related health issues.”

And new research published in the Journal of Alzheimer’sDisease found that brisk walking five times a week helps combat brain aging and memory loss by encouraging blood flow. 

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