The 10 Most Unbreakable Rules of Parking Lot Etiquette

A website put together the 10 most unbreakable rules of parking lot etiquette. I definitely agree with all of them. What would you add?

1. Don't park in a handicap spot.

 2. Don't block the flow of traffic waiting a long time for a spot . . . especially if you're just randomly waiting and no one's backing out anywhere nearby.

 3. Don't park so you're taking up multiple spaces.

 4. If you park poorly, try again. It's better to take the time to re-park than to park on the lines.

 5. Don't slowly tail people as they walk through the parking lot.

 6. When you get in your car to leave, leave quickly.

 7. Always return your shopping cart, don't just leave it lying around the parking lot.

 8. Use your turn signals.

 9. Follow the arrows . . . don't go the wrong way down an aisle.

 10. Don't wait for a perfect spot if there are available spots further back. 

Photo: Getty Images

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