Morgan's Blog

Morgan's Blog

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Stranger Wants To Send Morgan Expensive Birthday Gift

A random stranger saw that it was Morgan’s birthday on social media, so he sent her $20 on Venmo. Her account is private so she’s not sure how he found it, but she was at a bar when it happened, so she accepted it.  

Then, a little later, he followed up with a comment on the Venmo he sent her saying he remembered her talking about wanting a Dyson Hairdryer and asked if she wanted that for her birthday. She was shocked because they cost around $600 or more and wasn’t sure how to respond. Lunchbox thought she should accept it because he’s offering a gift. Bobby Bones was concerned that if she accepted it, he would then expect something from her. Morgan is tempted to accept the gift because she was just minding her business when he asked her, but another part of her knows he probably wants something more from her. She has no idea who he is and hasn’t interacted with him. Amy reminded Morgan that it might lead to something more one day and if something bad happened, they would point out that she accepted expensive gifts from him so she should distance herself from the situation. Bones and Amy thought him offering the gift was kind of a loser move, but Lunchbox and Eddie thought it was a baller move and romantic that he listened and knew what she wanted.  

Accepting the gift is tempting, but if he’s crazy enough to send that amount of money to a stranger, he’s crazy enough to do other things. They advised her to say nothing and distance herself.

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