

They give me too many nicknames. Trav Mifflin, Travmar...ect. but Travis works fine.Full Bio


This Is One Of The Best Videos I Have Ever Seen In My Time On Earth

There are lots and lots of great videos on the internet. It would be impossible to rank them on a numbered list...but I know for a fact this is in my all-time top 5. I was sitting on my couch the other night when I stumbled across this and laughed harder than I have in a long time. I mean what's not to love? A giant fire is roaring in the background, and the first thing these guys thought to do was recruit Elmo for a little impromptu street festival. LOVE IT. 

Actually, now that I think about it, one of my other all time favorite videos has to do with mascots in parades. Is that weird? Whatever...peep Elmo lurking in the background here too. 

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