Liquid Death’s proprietary Thirst Murdering process begins by forming a rope of veins that will wrap around your Thirst’s head and strangle it. Once Liquid Death reaches your Thirst’s brain, all of your Thirst’s memories will be replaced with repeating loops of its own head imploding. Which is exactly what happens next by it causing your Thirst’s head to implode and its brain to squirt out of its ears.
Once your Thirst has been murdered, the soul of your Thirst will begin to escape and float towards the ceiling. At this point, drink a second sip of Liquid Death to rip its soul back down and force it to begin gluing its own body parts together so that it can crawl back inside you and eventually grow into a fully formed Thirst once again.
So this is just water served in a can, but the difference is that while regular water can come from your sink, this water can only be ordered online and it will cost you roughly $21.99 for a 12-pack. Can a regular bottle of Dasani "murder your thirst" ?? Of course not. But Liquid Death certainly can.
Ok in all honesty though people are all about brand messages and packaging these days. Companies routinely re-invent the same products we already consume and put their own spin on it to appear new and trendy. There's countless examples. Rolled Ice cream, Uberpool you name it. Just a reinvention of something that has already been available forever. Does that make it bad? NO. We are so enamored by the types of things we buy and how they make us look than the actual functionality of the products or services. If I was really thirsty right now I would grab a glass and fill it up at my kitchen sink. But that isn't really something that is Insta worthy. Drinking water out of a can called "liquid death" is ABSOLUTELY something that would be worth of me blasting it onto social media. People would think I was slugging down some cocaine laced super crazy energy drink that was gonna make me jump of buildings or work a triple shift for an oil and gas company or something.
There's some really cool details about where this idea even came from and the business behind it that you can check out HERE.
TLDR: All it is is water, but it's cool water in a cool container so I bet it takes off and makes millions